“I don’t want to get up.”

From Sarah Andersen’s Adulthood Is a Myth.

This collection of simple comics attack the false idea that adulthood is instantaneously achieved on one’s 18th birthday. The Sarah’s Scribbles comic follows a 20-something girl as she takes on the challenges that come with being an “adult” in the modern world. The humor is honest and the content is real for both the author and the reader; the 20-something crowd will easily connect with the mishaps, embarrassments, and accomplishments of Sarah, the main character. In fact, the book-loving, cat-owning, average-looking, dumb-thing-saying Sarah will sweep you away from your adult responsibilities with relatable experiences and genuine laughter. The content of the book is relatable for teenagers, college and grad students, or anyone who has ever been a young adult looking to take on the world while trying to figure out this whole adulthood thing. The drawings are simple,  but offer the perfect escape from the scary adult world, even if only for a few minutes.The title on the front cover is printed with fuzzy letters, to further prove that adulthood is a myth and we really just grow through experiences.

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