“MacGyver opened his eyes.”

From Melinda Metz’s Talk to the Paw.

MacGyver is your average indoor cat; he loves his person Jamie because she gives him sardines, he loves playing with his mouse toy, and he loves to sneak out of his new house when Jamie falls asleep.  Jamie and Mac recently moved to Los Angeles from a small town in Pennsylvania after a large inheritance gave Jamie the opportunity to have a “Year of Me” to focus on herself (no men getting in the way) and find out what she wants to do with the rest of her life.  Jamie meets several of her neighbors from the eccentric Ruby to the busybodies Marie and Helen, but Mac knows what Jamie really needs is a pack mate, so he sets out in search of a suitable mate.  On his adventures around the neighborhood, MacGyver finds a man (David) with the same lonely scent as Jamie and he begins taking items from David and Jamie and leaving them on the other person’s doorstep until the two humans meet.  And since Mac is so pleased with his success, he begins stealing items from lots of neighbors, matching people with the people, friends, and love that they need.  However, when Jamie and David mess up MacGyver’s work, the cat burglar will have to step up his game to ensure that his person is happy.

This book uses Jamie, MacGyver, and David to tell a sweet story of love and happiness that is instantly endearing to readers.  Cat lovers will especially love the attitude that Mac brings to the story, but knowing that the book is inspired by real events is the real captivation.  Talk to the Paw is a funny story that is the perfect quick and easy read for animal lovers that doesn’t disappoint.

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