“Although I’d realized six or eight weeks ago that I was crazy about Tina Zabinski and I wanted to go on a date with her the same way I want to keep converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, I’d been playing it cool, taking it slow.”

From Gary Paulsen’s Crush.

Fourteen-year-old Kevin is fascinated by love and romance, despite never having been on a date before, but he has spent years developing his observance and kindness.  When Kevin realizes that he likes Tina, it kickstarts his troubles as he tries to navigate love, jealousy, and nerves.  Before Kevin can build up the courage to ask Tina out to the upcoming dance, the arrival of new picture-perfect-in-every-way Cash makes everything so much harder.  In between covertly asking his female friends what girls like and babysitting the preschooler next door, Kevin struggles to figure out the mysteries of love and decides to conduct a scientific study on love.  Kevin tries to set up a romantic dinner for his parents, but it goes terribly wrong.  After deciding that his parents have no romance, Kevin decides to ask to his repeatedly-married-and-divorced aunt for help.  Next, Kevin reaches out to his older sister seeking relationship help from a person closer to his age, but when she brings in four of her friends to “help” him, Kevin knows he’s in trouble. After his sister, Kevin decides to observe his best friend on a date, but the boredom pushes Kevin to try a different, more hands-on attempt at his research.  Kevin decides to build his expertise in the dating world by getting dates for his brother and his entire hockey team.  However, the more Kevin tries to figure out love through the highs and lows, the more frustrated by the scientific processes he becomes; the more Kevin tries to learn all the secrets of romance, the more confusing it becomes.

Paulsen’s story is funny and relatable for readers of all ages; kids will connect with Kevin’s struggles, while adults will enjoy the look back at young love.  The length of the novel makes for a quick, but memorable read.  Crush is a funny adventure from start to finish, and definitely worth the read.

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