“People often say that humans don’t adopt cats; it’s more a case of them adopting us.”

From James Bowen’s The Little Book of Bob.

While the story of drug addict turned famous street performer and author, James Bowen, and his special cat, Bob, has been told before, Bowen offers fans a closer look at his life with Bob. Sharing his thoughts on a wide variety of memories and turning points in their time together, Bowen tells of moments early on in their human-feline and up to fairly recently at the time of the book’s publishing. Bowen shares how impressive and unique Bob the cat is with stories from the filming of their biography movie and how the two former outcasts learned to live together. A strong reoccurring theme in this book is the importance of friendship, human or otherwise, but pet owners will recognize that unconditional love is a constant, powerful part of human-animal relationships. Another theme that weaves its way into almost every story is the realization that Bowen found that he and Bob are so similar in their attitudes and desires.

The book has a scattering off illustrations that are sweet and that allow animal lovers the opportunity to reflect on the impact of animals in life. The book’s length allows Bowen to keep the collection of stories simple, sweet, and satisfying. Bowen doesn’t try to take his writing style too seriously, which makes the book a light read that is perfect for lazy Saturday reading or a coffee table book. The Little Book of Bob offers an honest and rewarding look into life with one of the world’s most famous cats.

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