“Now is the time in our interview when you can ask any nagging questions you might have for us.”

From Adrianne Finlay’s Cut Off.

Originally, the idea of competing in a new wilderness survival show sounded like the chance of a lifetime, but when the last four contestants realize that they’ve been totally left alone, things quickly take a dangerous turn.  During their application process, the premise sounded doable: survive in the wild, tap the rescue button to quit the show, and keep the drone camera, or Skym, charged.  Several weeks into the show, the number of contestants has dwindled, which is fine for loner River who is comfortable in nature.  However, a few days after a giant earthquake, River finds himself at risk, and fellow contestant and famous app developer Trip comes to his aid.  When the boys arrive back at Trip’s campsite, they find it on fire and occupied by the other two remaining contestants, the stubbornly self-reliant Cam and the damsel-in-distress Liza.  When Cam tells Trip to quit because of some smuggled food she found in his tent, the contestants quickly realize that their emergency beacons aren’t working.  River and the others decide to work together since producers of the show never arrive to pick them up, but when they learn that Liza is not who she claimed to be, the truth creates even more questions.  When they learn that the show’s crew have been working out of resort not far away, the four make their way there only to find it completely abandoned.  The resort does offer the four contestants a chance to rest and recuperate while looking for a way to get help, but when their deadly nightmares come-to-life begin to attack them, the resort and the world beyond becomes as dangerous as the wilderness.

This sci-fi thriller is captivating from start to finish as the characters and story develop with a steady pace.  Finlay creates a story that is surprising, but not in a way that alienates the reader.  Cut Off is an edge-of-your-seat read that is not to be missed.

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