“Out in the vast cloudscape, a lone sky ship in full sail cut through the thin air.”

From Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell’s The Edge Chronicles: Midnight Over Sanctaphrax.

Young Twig has come a long way from living in the Deepwoods to being captain of the sky ship Edgedancer, savior of the floating city Sanctaphrax, and honorary Knight Academic. Twig is desperate to find his missing sky pirate father, Quintinius “Cloud Wolf” Verginix, after he sailed off alone into a Great Storm. When Twig finally finds his father, Cloud Wolf instantly begins to warn about the arrival of a Mother Storm that will require Sanctaphrax to be unchained from the ground to allow the storm to reach Riverrise, and ultimately, everyone that lives on the Edge. An explosion in the storm destroys the Edgedancer and scatters the crew, wiping Twig’s memory in the process. The Professor of Darkness rescued Twig and brought him back to Sancraphrax, where Twig begins to get back pieces of his memory and befriends the young Cowlquape Pentephraxis, taking him on as an apprentice. When Twig learns that some of the Edgedancer crew survived, he sets off to rescue them. When crew member Maugin reminds Twig of the coming storm, he races back with Cowlquape in an effort to untether the floating city before it stops the storm.

This fantastical adventure series is built of several character-following trilogies put together to create a complete world. The illustrations scattered throughout the book highlight characters and places that are definitely odd, but it also seamlessly creates the foundation for the highly imaginative world. As the third book in the Twig Trilogy, Midnight Over Sanctaphrax creates a captivating story that will instantly pull readers into the action-packed fantasy world of The Edge Chronicles.

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