
From Emma Steinkellner’s The Okay Witch.

Thirteen-year-old Moth has always been fascinated by magic, which has often made her an outsider, but she’s always found love and support from her mom. As the Founder’s Day annual celebration draws near, Moth goes through the annual history lesson on how the town’s founder, Judge Kramer, saved the citizens from the evil witches that were threatening the townspeople. When Moth meets the new kid, Charlie, Moth is thrilled to connect with the awkward boy and gain a friend. However, meeting Charlie is overshadowed by an unexplainable happening where Moth seems to almost magically silence two of her school bullies. When Moth tells her mother what happened, her mother tells her that it was her First Magic moment that happens to all witches. Moth is amazed at her mother’s calmness and she listens with intensity as her mother confesses that she is also a witch and the granddaughter of a powerful witch that saved the witches from Judge Kramer all those years ago. Reluctant to go back to her mother’s magical world, Moth’s mother asks Moth to leave the past alone. However, when a cat starts talking to Moth and announces that he’s a dead family friend here to help Moth, the two accidentally fall into her mother’s diary and discover the painful truth. Stuck between wanting the truth and trying to control her new powers, Moth realizes that her family’s history is tied to Founder’s Bluff more than she ever realized.

The animation in this graphic novel is bright and fun, but the story’s driving force is the spunky, slightly awkward main character. Steinkellner creates an interesting world that flows together well with the characters and magical happenings. Highlighting the struggles of fitting in and being true to oneself, The Okay Witch is a quick and memorable read that will be a big hit with readers of all ages.

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